About us
H2STUDENT is an educational program that builds the competencies of young people on hydrogen. It is an open and free educational competition program developed as a part of the infrastructure project ”ZERO EMISSION MOBILITY CORRIDOR – NORTH ADRIATIC” led by an industry alliance orchestrated by ECUBES and partners.

The mission of the H2STUDENT program is to teach young people to learn about a sustainable future to take action toward a clean energy era. An entire hydrogen value chain shall be built from the supply side and the demand side simultaneously through INNOVATION, TECHNOLOGY, EDUCATION and PARTNERSHIPS. These dimensions are at the core of the learning itinerary of the program leading the participants through interesting lectures and the play.
The program can help to increase interest in sustainable mobility and the deployment of clean hydrogen to inspire young people to choose studies that prepare them for professions related to new clean technologies. By raising young people’s awareness of the positive effects of using H2 technologies, we are spreading the idea of sustainable mobility, and their potential uses for the general population.
The program is also intended for young people who have already finished school and have been looking for a job for a long time and would like to train as mentors in the program in the field of sustainable mobility through the H2Student program.
As there is a lack of competencies in the field of hydrogen in Europe, we want the H2STUDENT program to:
contribute to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda and REpowerEU; Hydrogen technologies and green hydrogen will be key to achieving these goals, so the connection of renewable sources with emission-free transport and the simultaneous construction of the entire hydrogen value chain is a fundamental task for a low-carbon society.
to promote hydrogen and emission-free transport to young people and future generations, and to get them excited about hydrogen and education in this direction.
The program is also intended for young people who have already finished school and have been looking for a job for a long time and would like to train as mentors in the program in the field of sustainable mobility through the H2Student program.
As there is a lack of competencies in the field of hydrogen in Europe, we want the H2STUDENT program to:
- contribute to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda and REpowerEU; Hydrogen technologies and green hydrogen will be key to achieving these goals, so the connection of renewable sources with emission-free transport and the simultaneous construction of the entire hydrogen value chain is a fundamental task for a low-carbon society.
- to promote hydrogen and emission-free transport to young people and future generations, and to get them excited about hydrogen and education in this direction.
What experts say about the program

“I am pleased that I can tell a few words about the existing platform H2Student. I think such initiatives are so important for younger generations, because they want to understand new technologies; they want to understand future technologies and it is our task to inform them, to train them about these new technologies. Only that way they will get the whole picture about the future needs, the future solutions. I am giving my acknowledgments to the authors of this platform, to the initiators and I hope that they will develop the future very well.”
Dr. Janez Potočnik at 25th meeting of the UN International Resource Panel, Nov. 8th 2019, BLED, Slovenia

“Slovenia is now determined to lead the transition to a circular economy and that the transition from EU guidelines to action plans is a key one. This should be addressed immediately, as there is not enough time to leave it to individual companies or cities. all EU countries should be involved in this initiative. I think exploiting opportunities enabled by hydrogen technologies makes absolutely common sense.”
Prof. dr. Matjaž Valant, Univerza v Novi Gorici, Ajdovščina, November 2019

“The vision of the H2STUDENT programme is to inspire young people about sustainable mobility and new hydrogen technologies. Our task in the education system is Competence Development.”
Dr. Matjaz Knez at 25th meeting of the UN International Resource Panel, Nov. 8th 2019, BLED, Slovenia

“The development of new technologies is extremely fast, and educators can acquire this knowledge only in cooperation with development institutions or employers. The knowledge acquired in this way is included in lectures and passed on to the students. The experience we gained by participating in the H2STUDENT project is unique and I believe that the information obtained in this way will be successfully used by students in lessons or project assignments.”
Secondary School of Chemistry, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Celje, Slovenia
Mojmir Klovar, Principal

“The H2STUDENT project is a good example of promoting new technologies through fun and socializing. It is important to involve as many participants as possible in the project in the future. Some project participants will later become involved in hydrogen production and use technologies, and most will be potential users.”
Ruđer Bošković Technical School, ZAGREB, Croatia
Goran Nuskern, Mentor

“The H2STUDENT project is a good example of promoting new technologies through fun and socializing. It is important to involve as many participants as possible in the project in the future. Some project participants will later become involved in hydrogen production and use technologies, and most will be potential users.”
Ruđer Bošković Technical School, ZAGREB, Croatia
Goran Nuskern, Mentor

“We are happy to have joined the project. H2STUDENT perfectly complements our efforts to implement the guidelines for education for sustainable development. The project offers an ideal insight into the present, where rapid technological advances go hand in hand with environmental problems that require immediate action. The project raises awareness that each of us can contribute an important part in the sustainable solution of problems that humanity has dug up in recent centuries with the desire for rapid development and comfort of living. ”
Gymnasium Celje Center, Slovenia
Gregor Deleja, Principal